The task of marking foreground entities plays an important role in the video pre-processing pipeline as the initial phase of computer vision (CV) applications. As examples of such applications, we can ...
Image Classification with OpenCV for Android
In the previous post, we've learned how to work with OpenCV Java API with the example of a PyTorch convolutional neural network, integrated into the Java pipeline. Now we are going to transform ...
Image Classification with OpenCV Java
OpenCV library is widely used due to its extensive coverage of the computer vision tasks, and availability to involve it in various projects, including deep learning. Usually, OpenCV is used with C++ ...
PyTorch to Tensorflow Model Conversion
In this post, we will learn how to convert a PyTorch model to TensorFlow. If you are new to Deep Learning you may be overwhelmed by which framework to use. We personally think PyTorch is the first ...
Otsu’s Thresholding with OpenCV
In this post, we will examine Otsu's method for automatic image thresholding. What is Image Thresholding? Image thresholding is used to binarize the image based on pixel intensities. The ...
CNN Receptive Field Computation Using Backprop with TensorFlow
In our recent post about receptive field computation, we examined the concept of receptive fields using PyTorch. We learned receptive field is the proper tool to understand what the network 'sees' ...