OpenCV library is widely used due to its extensive coverage of the computer vision tasks, and availability to involve it in various projects, including deep learning. Usually, OpenCV is used with C++ ...
CNN Receptive Field Computation Using Backprop with TensorFlow
In our recent post about receptive field computation, we examined the concept of receptive fields using PyTorch. We learned receptive field is the proper tool to understand what the network 'sees' ...
CNN Fully Convolutional Image Classification (FCN CNN) with TensorFlow –
In a previous post, we covered the concept of fully convolutional neural networks (FCN) in PyTorch, where we showed how we could solve the classification task using the input image of arbitrary ...
SVM using Scikit-Learn in Python
This post explains the implementation of Support Vector Machines (SVMs) using Scikit-Learn library in Python. We had discussed the math-less details of SVMs in the earlier post. In this post, we ...
Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Ideas in Machine Learning have a "winner takes all" quality. When an idea takes off, it dominates the field so completely that one tends to believe it is the only idea worth pursuing. Today, Deep ...