Anchor free object detection is powerful because of its speed and generalizability to other computer vision tasks. "CenterNet: Object as Points" is one of the milestones in the anchor-free object ...
Generative and Discriminative Models
Most of the Machine Learning and Deep Learning problems that you solve are conceptualized from the Generative and Discriminative Models. In Machine Learning, one can clearly distinguish between the ...
PyTorch to Tensorflow Model Conversion
In this post, we will learn how to convert a PyTorch model to TensorFlow. If you are new to Deep Learning you may be overwhelmed by which framework to use. We personally think PyTorch is the first ...
CNN Receptive Field Computation Using Backprop with TensorFlow
In our recent post about receptive field computation, we examined the concept of receptive fields using PyTorch. We learned receptive field is the proper tool to understand what the network 'sees' ...
Pre Trained Models for Image Classification – PyTorch for Beginners
Hi! This post is part of our PyTorch series. In the previous post, Pytorch Tutorial for beginners, we discussed PyTorch, it's strengths and why you should learn it. We also had a brief look at ...