In many of our previous posts, we used OpenCV DNN Module, which allows running pre-trained neural networks. One of the module's main drawback is its limited CPU-only inference use since it was ...
Using Facial Landmarks for Overlaying Faces with Masks
Have you ever wondered how Instagram masks are fitting so perfectly on your face? Would you like to know how you can try to implement something similar by yourself? This post will help you with that! ...
Face Detection – Dlib, OpenCV, and Deep Learning ( C++ / Python )
In this tutorial, we will discuss the various Face Detection methods in OpenCV, Dlib, and Deep Learning and compare the methods quantitatively. We will share code in C++ and Python for the following ...
Hand Keypoint Detection using Deep Learning and OpenCV
Hand Keypoint detection is the process of finding the joints on the fingers as well as the finger-tips in a given image. It is similar to finding keypoints on Face ( a.k.a Facial ...
Multi Person Pose Estimation in OpenCV using OpenPose
In our previous post, we used the OpenPose model to perform Human Pose Estimation for a single person. In this post, we will discuss how to perform multi person pose estimation. When there are ...
Image Colorization Using CNN With OpenCV
Sometimes technology enhances art. Sometimes it vandalizes it. Colorizing black and white films is an ancient idea dating back to 1902. For decades many movie creators opposed the idea of ...