If you are undertaking an object detection project, the probability is high that you would choose one of the many YOLO models. Going by the number of YOLO object detection models out there, it's a ...
YOLOv7 Pose vs MediaPipe in Human Pose Estimation
YOLOv7 Pose was introduced in the YOLOv7 repository a few days after the initial release in July ‘22. It is a single-stage, multi-person pose estimation model. YOLOv7 pose is unique, as it deviates ...
Human Pose Estimation using Keypoint RCNN in PyTorch
Human Pose Estimation is an important research area in the field of Computer Vision. It deals with estimating unique points on the human body, also called keypoints. In this blog post, we will discuss ...
Face Recognition – Introduction for Beginners – Nearly Everything You Need to Know
Face Recognition is a computer vision technique which enables a computer to predict the identity of a person from an image. This is a multi-part series on face recognition. This post will give us ...
Pose Detection comparison : wrnchAI vs OpenPose
In our previous posts, we discussed how to perform Body and Hand pose estimation using the OpenPose library. Recently, as part of our consulting business, we got a chance to try the state-of-the-art ...
Gender and Age Classification using OpenCV Deep Learning ( C++/Python )
In this tutorial, we will discuss an interesting application of Deep Learning applied to faces. We will estimate the age and figure out the gender of the person from a single image. The model is ...