Fine-tuning YOLOv10 models for enhancing kidney stone detection, significantly reduces diagnosis time from 15-25 minutes per report to processing ~150 reports per second. Targeting medical ...
Introduction to Robotics: A Comprehensive Guide to Robotics for Beginners
Introduction to Robotics: Robotics development has been there for decades, but even after two decades into the 21st century, we are still unable to draw the true potential of robotics, and realize ...
Fine-Tuning YOLOv9 Models on Custom Dataset
Fine-tuning YOLOv9 models on custom datasets can dramatically enhance object detection performance, but how significant is this improvement? In this comprehensive exploration, YOLOv9 has been ...
Depth Anything: Accelerating Monocular Depth Perception
Depth Anything represents a groundbreaking advancement in the field of monocular depth perception. This research article outlines the innovative approach taken in designing the Depth Anything model, ...
Stereo Vision in ADAS: Pioneering Depth Perception Beyond LiDAR
Explore the dynamic world of ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) and the innovative field of stereo vision. In this article, we'll explore how ADAS stereo vision in cars is changing the game, ...
Integrating ADAS with Keypoint Feature Pyramid Network for 3D LiDAR Object Detection
3D LiDAR object detection is a process that assists with identifying and localizing objects of interest in a 3-dimensional space. In autonomous systems and advanced spatial analysis, the evolution of ...