Introduction to Monocular SLAM: Have you ever wondered how Tesla's Autonomous Vehicle views its surroundings and understands its position, and makes smart decisions to reach its target ...
Stereo Vision and Depth Estimation using OpenCV AI Kit
Gone are the days when setting up the proper hardware and software for a stereo vision project was arduous. Thanks to OpenCV and Luxonis, you no longer have to worry about cumbersome initial ...
Making A Low-Cost Stereo Camera Using OpenCV
In this post, we will learn how to create a custom low-cost stereo camera (using a pair of webcams ) and capture 3D videos with it using OpenCV. We provide code in Python and C++. We all ...
Understanding Lens Distortion
In a previous post, we went over the geometry of image formation and learned how a point in 3D gets projected on to the image plane of a camera. The model we used was based on the pinhole camera ...
Augmented Reality using ArUco Markers in OpenCV (C++ / Python)
In this post, we will explain what ArUco markers are and how to use them for simple augmented reality tasks using OpenCV. ArUco markers have been used for a while in augmented reality, camera pose ...
Camera Calibration using OpenCV
A camera, when used as a visual sensor, is an integral part of several domains like robotics, surveillance, space exploration, social media, industrial automation, and even the entertainment ...