Our last post on the MRNet challenge presented a simple way to approach it. There you learned to make a separate model for each disease. And ended up with three models. Time to up your game! Now ...
Generative and Discriminative Models
Most of the Machine Learning and Deep Learning problems that you solve are conceptualized from the Generative and Discriminative Models. In Machine Learning, one can clearly distinguish between the ...
Variational Autoencoder in TensorFlow
Deep Learning has already surpassed human-level performance on image recognition tasks. On the other hand, in unsupervised learning, Deep Neural networks like Generative Adversarial Networks ( GANs ) ...
Code OpenCV in Visual Studio
In this article, we explain how to build applications with OpenCV using Visual Studio. We will be using Visual Studio 16 2019. If you write code on Windows, there is a high probability that you work ...
Photoshop Filters in OpenCV
Photo filters have always been one of the coolest image processing applications. What could be a better inspiration to design filters than taking ideas from Photoshop? Let's begin the fun! In this ...
Tetris with OpenCV Python
In this post, we'll create the game of Tetris as shown in the video above. Tetris Most readers are probably familiar with Tetris - a popular and addictive video game created by Russian software ...