In this post, we will learn about a Deep Learning based object tracking algorithm called GOTURN. The original implementation of GOTURN is in Caffe, but it has been ported to the OpenCV Object Tracking ...
Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Ideas in Machine Learning have a "winner takes all" quality. When an idea takes off, it dominates the field so completely that one tends to believe it is the only idea worth pursuing. Today, Deep ...
Image Quality Assessment : BRISQUE
Photography is the favorite hobby of millions of people around the world. After all, how difficult can it be! In the words of Diane Arbus, a famous American photographer -- “Taking pictures is like ...
Face Reconstruction using EigenFaces (C++/Python)
In this post, we will learn how to reconstruct a face using EigenFaces. This post is written for beginners. If you don't know about Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or EigenFaces, I recommend you go ...
Eigenface using OpenCV (C++/Python)
In this post, we will learn about Eigenface -- an application of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for human faces. We will also share C++ and Python code written using OpenCV to explain the ...
Principal Component Analysis
In this post, we will learn about Principal Component Analysis (PCA) -- a popular dimensionality reduction technique in Machine Learning. Our goal is to form an intuitive understanding of PCA without ...