In a previous post, we went over the geometry of image formation and learned how a point in 3D gets projected on to the image plane of a camera. The model we used was based on the pinhole camera ...
Feature Based Image Alignment using OpenCV (C++/Python)
In this post, we will learn how to perform feature-based image alignment using OpenCV. We will share code in both C++ and Python. We will demonstrate the steps by way of an example in which we will ...
Histogram of Oriented Gradients explained using OpenCV
In this post, we will learn the details of the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) feature descriptor. We will learn what is under the hood and how this descriptor is calculated internally by ...
Homography examples using OpenCV ( Python / C ++ )
Terms like "Homography" often remind me how we still struggle with communication. Homography is a simple concept with a weird name! In this post we will discuss Homography examples using OpenCV. ...