Feature matching using deep learning is a game-changer for computer vision tasks like panorama stitching, video stabilization, and face recognition, providing greater accuracy and reliability. Dive into how this technology works and its amazing applications! #AI #ComputerVision
Ankan Ghosh
July 23, 2024
This article gives an overview about the key research papers and dataset from CVPR 2024 along with repository links.
July 12, 2024
CVPR 2024 showcased groundbreaking AI and computer vision research, highlighting generative image dynamics, advanced 3D modeling, and innovative video editing techniques. OpenCV featured prominently, presenting OpenCV5 and collaborating with leading tech companies. Key papers and projects from the conference offer exciting advancements in the field.
Ankan Ghosh
July 9, 2024
This article discusses how to use any finetuned yolov8 pytorch model on oak-d-lite device with OpenVINO IR Format.
July 2, 2024
This research article explains a data-centric fine-tuning approach using YOLOv10 models for kidney stone detection.
Pranav Durai
June 25, 2024
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